Tips and ideas for “Spring Photography”

Spring photography is in full bloom. There are signs of spring everywhere, from sunshine yellow daffodils to colourful tulips and pretty pink and white flowers, that new life has begun to emerge after the long winter.

As the days get longer and warmer, photographers will spend more time outside to capture spring flowers and colours.

Prepare for Spring Photography

You would prefer to go out and photograph nature under clear skies and sun, but spring weather can be unpredictable so it is best to be prepared. Protective clothing such as a raincoat, rubber boots, or waterproof shoes are essential to protect your body from the elements.

For protection against unexpected rain showers, a waterproof bag or cover can be useful. An umbrella is also a good option if you plan to photograph on a rainy day.

Use a polarising filter for Spring Photography

Spring is all about vibrant colours. You’ll want to make sure your photos are filled with bright greens, yellows and pinks. A polarizing filter can be used to reduce unwanted glare or reflections. It can also increase contrast, saturation and other aspects.

This is especially useful if you need a bright blue sky that stands out against a green field or meadow of flowers. You can attach circular polarizing filters to your lens front and rotate it to adjust the intensity.

Make sure you have a white balance

You can also check the white balance settings of your camera before you begin shooting to ensure that spring colours are accurately represented. Different types of light can cause colours to look more orange, green, or blue than they actually are due to their characteristics. Check out our spring photography tips for beginners to learn more about white balance.

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Look out for patterns, lines, and shapes

When taking landscape photos, be sure to look out for lines, shapes and patterns that will enhance the Spring Photography aesthetic appeal. You might see a perfectly arranged line of trees or a row of spring flowers in a symmetrical arrangement, or interesting patterns and shapes created by tree blossoms and branches. It is possible to frame landscape images with things such as arches, doorways, hedges, and branches.

You can play with depth of field Spring Photography

It can be fun to experiment with depth of field when you are using the aperture priority or manual mode of your camera to create different kinds of photos of the same scene. If you are trying to photograph a whole field of flowers, for example, you might use a wider aperture, or a lower f number, such as 3.5, or 2.8, to focus on one flower and blur the background. You could also use a narrow aperture or a higher f number, such as 11 or 22, to capture the entire field of flowers. This will ensure that everything is in focus.