Legal Tips You Must Have

1. Never sign anything without obtaining a copy or taking a picture

We see clients every day who are worried about a abogados en viña del mar lawsuit or someone not honoring their agreement. These disputes can be stressful and frustrating for those who have not been there. These disputes often cast a shadow over the lives of our clients and cause a lingering, unsettling sense of worry and contention. Until we can discuss their options with them and show them how we will fight for them.

2. Protect your family and business from legal risk

If you are going to start a business, or enter into real estate transactions, it is important that you have a business (usually an LLC), in place. This will help protect your family against any potential liability. Read the entire contract before signing any major contracts. An attorney should review any special language in a contract, as these provisions can have unexpected and serious consequences.

There are many legal risks that could put your family in danger, whether it’s building a happy, prosperous family or making smart decisions to climb the career ladder. You can avoid the pitfalls that could cause all the hard work you have put into your business to fail if you start things right from the beginning. Our clients are our passion.

3. Do not delay in preparing for the unexpected – Make a will or trust

Everybody needs some kind of will, trust or estate plan, no matter where they are at life’s stages. We see that life can be fragile and that families are grateful to have the wills of their loved ones in place when there is a death. Even if you don’t have many assets, every person should have a document that outlines their wishes on their death. This includes the guardianship and distribution of minor children as well as the management and care of pets, property, and any other matters for which they are responsible.


Verbal promises made in life are often not kept by courts that have to decide how assets will be distributed. The costs of a court case can rise, both financially and emotionally.

4. Do not admit liability until you speak to an attorney

It is a sad fact that you will often regret what you said under stress. Every day, we see clients who are held responsible for much more than they deserve simply because they spoke too quickly without understanding the legal consequences. If you’re involved in an accident, or a claim by a company that you have acted incorrectly, you can simply keep silent. Wait until you are ready to speak with an attorney.

You should immediately tell your attorney if you are charged with injuring someone or committing a criminal offense. You will be required to report the incident. Be as clear as possible, just like in a physics demonstration. Don’t allow anyone to make any comments, especially about who was responsible. Insurance and other claims can sometimes be dependent on who is responsible. It is important to not admit liability.

5. You are at the Scene of Any Incident. Get information

Accidents can happen at any moment. It is important to gather information when something unfortunate happens. It doesn’t really matter if the accident is a traffic accident or an injury in public places, it is vital to have all the relevant information immediately after the accident.

After an accident, it is crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved. Once those in need of assistance have been provided with information, you can get more. Get photos, contact information, and notes on conditions like weather, lighting, and other details. You may also need to exchange information about insurance, so call 911 or the police.

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6. Write agreements

If possible, all agreements should be written. It is not always easy to write down all the terms. This may seem burdensome but it is not compared to the legal headaches that could arise. You can protect yourself by having notes written on a napkin signed by both of you.

Case after case is presented of cases where clients rush to complete a job or exchange goods. This could have been avoided if they had taken the time to write a contract early. Although many clients start conversations in good faith, sometimes circumstances can arise that test the relationship. This can lead to legal complications.

Courts are unable to unravel verbal agreements and courts cannot consider anything beyond the “four corners”.